The 2023 IPCC Report TL;DR.

The highest authority on climate change pinpoints problems, solutions—and the power of culture.

"Socio-cultural changes within transition pathways can offer Gigaton-scale CO2 savings." quoted from IPCC Report Chapter 5.3.3 of Mitigation of Climate Change, 2022.

This update from the IPCC (the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) recaps the long-term impacts of climate change and potential solutions. But unlike past reports, it also explains the role of cultural influence in preventing catastrophic global warming. It’s an unmistakable call for content creators and role models to play a critical role. Here’s a breakdown of 5 key takeaways.

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There is still time to avoid the worst impacts of the climate crisis.

The picture the IPCC paints of the state-of-the-climate today is a pretty grim one. We’re not on track to meet the targets we set in the Paris Climate Agreement.1, 2 And if we don’t act fast, we’re headed for ecosystem collapse, overlapping refugee crises, and food instability.3

We all have a role to play in addressing the climate crisis. The window for us to make meaningful change is rapidly closing—but it’s not closed yet. This is our chance, the IPCC tells us, to make possible a “livable and sustainable future for all.”1, 4

Line chart with an increase of 1.1° celsius between 2011 and 2020 and a 5° celsius increase by 2100 if the trend continues. Under 2° celsius is necessary and 1.5° celsius is the ideal target.
Global surface temperature changes in °C relative to 1850–1900 Source: IPCC Report, Figure SPM.4 from Sixth Assessment Report Synthesis, March 19th, 2023 (view source image)

Emissions come from everywhere, so solutions can come from anywhere.

Greenhouse gasses (GHGs) come from more than the fuel we burn directly. They come from our homes, our food, and just about everything we buy. People create demand for the energy, materials, and policies that cause climate change, so people can dramatically reduce GHGs by shifting what they demand.5

  • Gray 3D sphere reflecting a street with a building.


    16% Mostly from home heating and electricity, plus offices, factories, schools and more.

  • Red shiny 3D sphere.


    15% Mostly from driving, plus flying, shipping, trains and more.

  • Green 3D sphere made of grass.

    Land Use

    22% Mostly from food and agriculture, plus forestry and more.

  • Gray 3D sphere made of concrete.


    34% Mostly from chemicals, cement, and steel, plus waste and other industry.

  • 3D sphere with the color of petrol in water.

    Other Energy

    12% Mostly from the extraction of fossil fuels, plus other energy systems.

Sector share of total anthropogenic direct and indirect GHG emissions for the year 2019
Source: IPCC Report, Figure 2.12 of Mitigation of Climate Change, 2022

Solutions to climate change are known, and cultural narratives are an essential part.

The IPCC paints a clear picture of what needs to happen.

To bring carbon pollution down, we need to reimagine how we live.6 But established narratives on the climate crisis and our role in it are a major barrier to large scale action. Facing a challenge like this, it’s no surprise that so many of us think nothing we do will matter. But the IPCC recognizes that shifts in key narratives can change attitudes towards new behavior, and create better enabling environments for bold policy solutions.7

Two columns with arrows going from left to right. The left column is labelled "current narrative" and right one is labelled "new narrative". From doom to possibility, from powerlessness to agency, from sacrifice to benefit, from inevitability to action.
See how the IPCC Report discusses these narratives

Doom to Possibility: “Unclear or dystopian narratives of climate response reduce willingness to change and to accept new policies and technologies,” “Positive narratives about possible futures that avoid emissions (e.g., emphasis upon health and slow/active travel)” from IPCC Report Table 5.4 of Mitigation of Climate Change, 2022

Powerlessness to Agency: “Transition pathways and changes in social norms often start with pilot experiments led by dedicated individuals and niche groups (high confidence). Collectively, such initiatives can find entry points to prompt policy, infrastructure, and policy reconfigurations, supporting the further uptake of technological and lifestyle innovations. Individuals’ agency is central as social change agents and narrators of meaning. These bottom-up socio-cultural forces catalyse a supportive policy environment, which enables changes.” from IPCC Report TS.5.8 of Mitigation of Climate Change, 2022

Sacrifice to Benefit: “Loss aversion magnifies the costs of change,” “Various lock-in mechanisms such as sunk investments, capabilities, embedding in routines/lifestyles”, “Positive narratives about possible futures that avoid emissions (e.g., emphasis upon health and slow/active travel)” from IPCC Report Table 5.4 of Mitigation of Climate Change, 2022

Inevitability to Action: “Climate movements that call out the insufficient, highly problematic state of delayed climate action” from Chapter 5 Executive Summary of Mitigation of Climate Change, 2022. “Use of full range of incentives and mechanisms to change demand-side behaviour,” IPCC Report Table 5.4 of Mitigation of Climate Change, 2022

Since culture is key, creators have the power to unlock climate-centric social norms.

The IPCC explicitly called on social influencers to play a critical role in the adoption of low-carbon technologies, behaviors, and lifestyles.8 Because creators and anyone with an online following can shape today’s culture by modeling what matters and what’s possible.

Climate is a creative opportunity. How should people live and get around? What should they eat and buy? What should they demand?9

Many circles of different sizes with a small portion colored yellow.

“Between 10-30% of committed individuals are required to set new social norms.”10

How new social norms are shaped, according to the IPCC.

Climate is a justice issue. Because those who contributed the least to climate change will suffer the most.

The IPCC makes clear that those who are the least responsible for climate change are the most at risk.11 No matter where you live, the report explains that poor people, women, and indigenous populations are the most vulnerable to climate impacts.12 What you do right now to address the crisis is more than creating a livable planet for yourself and your children, it’s about re-imagining a better world for all of us.

Most Emissions 
Emissions vs Vulnerability bar
 Most Vulnerable

Map of the world with countries in North America, South America, Europe, East Asia, and Oceania having the most emissions and countries in Central America, Africa, Middle East, and South Asia being the most vulnerable.
Source: Comparison of total cumulative production-based emissions of CO₂, including land-use change (1850-2021),13 to observed human vulnerability to climate change14

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